1. What does CSI stand for?
CSI is short for Consumer/Survivor Initiative.
A CSI is an organization developed, managed and operated by and for consumer/survivors of the mental health system.
Other terms commonly used for consumer/survivors include: person with lived experience, peer or peer supporter, mental health consumer or mental health survivor and psychiatric survivor/consumer.
2. What is OCAN?
OCAN stands for Ontario Common Assessment of Need.
OCAN is now a mandatory tool that all mental health and addiction agencies must use. There are three ways in which you can opt to meet the new OCAN requirement:
- Core – which fulfills the basic mandatory requirements and collects your required statistical data
- Core + self – the addition of the self assessment allows members to self-identify their strengths and needs
- Core + self + staff – the inclusion of the staff assessment adds another level of assessment for members whereby staff, in partnership with the member, complete an assessment and can develop a plan of action to meet needs.