Personal and Professional Development

Some examples of training we have offered or hosted, includes: WRAP facilitator, Laughter Yoga leader, Non-Violent Crisis Intervention, Fundraising, Nutrition and Wellness Specialist, etc.
NOTE: when funding permits training will take place in person. Many learning opportunities are available through web-based sources.
LERN will attempt to offer training at little to no cost for our members, but there may be opportunities for which a cost may apply. For example; the purchase of manuals for certain training, or ongoing maintenance of individual certifications. LERN can also bring or connect our members with other learning opportunities throughout our region.
Organizational Development

- Board or advisory committee development
- Grant writing and fundraising assistance
- Policies and procedures
- Needs assessment
- Operational planning
- Strategic planning
- Volunteer development
- Website and social media assistance
- Program development & evaluation
CSI and Peer Support Advocacy

- Letter writing, on behalf of network or individual member organization as needed
- Attending and/or organizing meetings to address issues/needs
- Represent the network at provincial meetings
Knowledge Exchange and Support

- Special guest speakers at events
- Regional networking meetings
- Peer support for the peer supporter
- Regular dissemination and vetting of information via email correspondence